Capsule - Crowdfunding research and publication

total votes: 2

Articles on the tooic, websites dedicated to the topic, and actual campaigns and users that are getting funded through some crowdfunding method.

[1] A collection of interesting articles about Crowdfunding. In particular there is one focusing on a researching using Patreon for funding their research.

[2] Experiment.com is basically "Kickstarter for Research."

[3] Another collection of crowdsourcing research sites and posts. Nothing posted since 2017 but could be some interesting nuggets of wisdom in them there links.

[4] A Patreon account that raises money to creating science related articles and videos.

[5] A writeup in Nature about a study showing there are some researchers publishing papers every 5 days. Clearly, they are attempting to game the current system.

created by wuliwong

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